Entrepreneurs Need New Battle Cries for the Year

As January wind whips around us, it carries the chill of winter and the exhilarating scent of new beginnings. For many of us, this is the season for resolutions, for boldly charting our course, and setting ambitious goals. And what better time for a marketing firm to ignite its internal fire?

Last year at MARQUEE was a time for internal growth at the agency. We pursued our state and federal certifications, participated in seminars, revamped our website, and brought in new advisors. We worked ON the business, not just did the business at hand. 

As we charged into January 2024, a brand new year stretched before us, a pristine canvas begging to be splashed with the vibrant hues of our ambition and creativity. But by mid-month, the beginning-of-the-new-year enthusiasm started to wear off. How do you stay motivated? 

Chasing new business, chasing innovative ideas, chasing that next level of excellence is not for the faint of heart. Entrepreneurs learn fast that not everything is guaranteed. At MARQUEE, we value the process. Refining our strategies and tools is a part of our daily commitment to improvement. Our year is sure to be exciting! 

Here are some ways to stay focused:

We encourage you not to let go of that New Year enthusiasm and keep your resolution intact! We plan to do the same. Here is our 2024 resolution: MARQUEE resolves to continue the pursuit of excellence for ourselves and our clients. We will not shy away from the big challenges and will embrace the unknown with open arms. We will inspire clients with our audacity, wow them with our creativity, and deliver results that exceed their wildest expectations.