Google search is one of the best ways to get new clients. But how do you ensure your prospective clients will see you in a Google Search? Well, I am going to give you some strategies that will help you achieve just that.
Tips to help you show up in a Google Search:
The first piece of the puzzle has nothing to do with the website design- but it is so important that I want to address this before I get to the website design tactics.
Make sure your Google Business Page is up to date.
This is very important for every single business, but even more so for a company that has a brick-and-mortar location or serves a certain geographical area. This will help you to pop up in those searches for local businesses with vital business information like your phone number, address, website, and hours of operation. If you have not reviewed your Google Business Page recently to make sure all this information is correct, stop what you are doing right now and review that information. Yes, it truly is THAT important.
Website Engagement
Creating an engaging website will keep people on your page and will help you to rank higher. Here is what you can do to create the best possible user experience for your website visitors.
- Visual Appeal. Design your website to be clean and straightforward. Use white (or empty) space to break up the information. Do not clutter your website with ads or pop-up windows that will irritate your users. Make sure the color scheme you use is easy to read and a good representation of your brand.
- Mobile Friendly. Almost every person is going to view your website on a mobile device at some point. Make sure your website is accessible on mobile devices.
- Versatility. Going with the Mobile-Friendly tactic, computer screens, and mobile devices come in all shapes and sizes. Make sure your website looks good and is functional on different devices.
- Responsiveness of your website. Is your website loading quickly and not laggy? If your website is taking too long to load users will become frustrated and look elsewhere for the information you have provided.
- No Broken Links- this is important not only for the User Experience but also for your Google Search Rank. If a link is broken, fix it right away.
- Easily Navigated. Organize your website in a way that is easy to navigate. Make sure the information users are generally looking for is easy to find.
Reduce your Bounce Rate
Having a low bounce rate is crucial to bumping up your search engine ranking. How do you keep your bounce rate low? Website Engagement and Bounce Rate go in hand in hand. If you have an engaging website, you will naturally have a low bounce rate.
Here are some tips to reduce your Bounce Rate:
- Link to yourself within the website. By linking internally you are keeping your users on your site and showing click-throughs.
- Create valuable content AND LINK TO IT within your website. As you are writing content, think of ways to incorporate and lead to other content within your website. But make sure any internal links (links to another page on your website) do not open in a new window unless it is appropriate. For example, if you have a PDF that can be printed, that would make sense to open it in a new window.
- If you need to direct to an external website, code that website link to open in a new tab or window. By coding a link to an external site to open in a new tab or window you are not directing users away from your own website, but instead, you are keeping them on your site- and hopefully, they will come back to your window after they view the outside information you linked to.
- Improve your site speed. If your website is laggy and slow, it will become frustrating to the users and they are likely to keep clicking.
External Links to your website
This is one thing that is not as easy to manipulate because you are relying on outside sources. Here are tips to get external links, and direct more traffic to your website.
Ways to get external links:
- Link to your website from your own social media pages.
- If you blog, make sure you are sharing every blog you write to all your social media channels.
- Create social content that will tempt users to click that link.
- When you create any sort of social content- link to your site.
- Make sure your website is linked in your bio on any social platform your business is on.
- Ask other sites to link to your content. Bonus points if you can get them to link to your content using specific keywords. This is a tough one, but doable if the information you are providing is useful.
Keep keywords valid and to the point. Use them, but don’t overuse them. You can even use a keyword generator to help you come up with keywords that will help Google find your site (LSI Keywords is one of them)
Review what keywords are bringing visitors to your website. You can find this under your website’s analytics. Make sure you have content that matches those keywords. If you find a new keyword that is bringing people to your site, add content to match that search. If it is coming up in search unintentionally, if you are intentional about it, imagine how many more users you will get if you are intentional about it.
Google search is one of the best ways to get new clients. But how do you ensure your prospective clients will see you in a Google Search? Well, I am going to give you some strategies that will help you achieve just that.