
The evolution of marketing is an amazing thing. As our culture changes, the way we market our products and services does too. Content is still a key piece when it comes to marketing. If you don’t have appropriate content, you will not keep users’ attention. In order to keep your audience’s attention, keep in mind these four key points when you are creating content in any form:

  1. Effective — Having effective content is the key to reaching who you want to reach. Who is your target audience and what do they want to know? What will keep them coming back to your site for either more information or more products?
  2. Experiential — Our attention span is dwindling so providing your audience with what they need to know as quickly as possible is key. Using an infographic is great, but keeping your text readable with lots of white space is necessary.
  3. Empathetic — Tell a relatable story to draw your audience in. If we relate to the content, we are more likely to understand it and keep reading.
  4. Inclusive — If you are sharing content related to controversial topics it is important to be sure your content is relatable to people of all races, genders, and body capabilities. By being inclusive and not discriminatory your content will be read and respected by more people, thus people will respect your business as well.

I. Written Content

This is the staple of content marketing. From social media posts to blogging, everything comes down to how you arrange the words to make them meaningful to your audience. When thinking of the four points above, you’ll be sure to write winning content that resonates with your audience and drives the rest of these content options.

II. Podcasts

This was a huge thing last year and the trend continues into 2023. More and more businesses are being successful at creating podcasts that share information about topics related to their business. It is something users can listen to in a car, on a plane, or during a workout- think of podcasts as the new talk radio, only you can choose who you want to listen to and what the topic is.

III. Videos

Videos are a great way to supplement your content. But it is important to realize that no one wants to sit and watch a video for a long period of time anymore. The history of a user sitting for twenty minutes to get information about your topic is long gone. When you are creating content it is important to evaluate 3 things when it comes to using video.

  1. Is it an appropriate time to use a video?
  2. What is the least amount of information I can share and still get my client the information they need? Be concise!
  3. How long will I make my video?

IV. Influencer Marketing

How many times have you seen a product on Facebook or Instagram and been intrigued? Influencer Marketing is a great way to get the word out about your product or service organically. There are multiple levels of influencers, and multiple ways to go collaborate with them. If you have not tapped into this realm of marketing- now is the time!

All of these 4 content strategies need to be backed by solid SEO, or search engine optimization. Content helps build traffic to your website from search engines organically (unpaid). In order to bring the right people to your site, you have to make sure you produce valuable content for your target audience. If you bring 200 people to your website, but none of them find your content valuable and have no interest or use for your service — is that helpful to you? Or would it be better to bring 10 people to your website that would use your services? Of course, you want the people that will bring you business directed to your website.

Keeping an open mind and willingness to change your strategy and try new things is always the best practice in this fast-paced marketing world. These tips will give you some direction as you are planning your content and strategy for 2023.

A great marketing strategy has many different components and doesn’t just happen overnight. Stick with it, and over time, you can refine your strategy to find what works best for you. If you need any assistance with creating or implementing a marketing strategy, feel free to contact us at 330–234–9396, or email us at